Parete Val d'Iragna ***
Above the deep Gorge of Iragna, Nicola Balestra and Danilo Petrini put up a nice route in quality gneiss. “My Darling” climbs cracks, dihedrals, and chimneys. Due to the wall’s location and the abundant vegetation on the approach, a visit during the cooler months of the year is recommended.
Area News
New route "Baci dal Nord" 8a (6c obl.) by Marcel Dettling and Adrian Waibel.
To the right of "My Darling" F. Calebasso and K. Seddio have established a new route. "Chiodo sudato" 7b, A1 (6c obl.) is very well secured with bolts only in the 1st pitch, the remaining 5 pitch (6a-6c) are mostly to be self-secured.