Sasc Furä *****
The Piz Badile is one of the most famous alpine rock climbing mountains anywhere. The elegant North Ridge is without a doubt one of the most awesome ridge ascents in the Alps. This “Badile Ridge” was first climbed on August 4, 1923 by Alfred Zurcher and his Mountain Guide Walter Risch. Riccardo Cassin, Gino Esposito, Mario Molteni, and Guiseepe Valsecchi wrote alpine history in July 1937 when they tackled the notorious Northeast Face over a three day assault. Then tragedy struck: Mario Molteni and Giuseppe Valsecci, exhausted and spent, died from exposure on the descent. Riccardo Cassin had climbed “his” route five times, the last time at the ripe age of 78 in May of 1987. The famous climber died in 2009 at 100 years old. These two routes are forever classic alpine climbs and continue to see a lot of traffic. In 2017, the North Face of the nearby Piz Cengalo was the scene of a huge rock slide. Three million cubic meters of rock thundered down into Val Bondasca, closing access to this day. The Sasc Fura Hut, thanks to a newly constructed trail (T4), is again accessible, though it requires much more time.