Haslizontal ***
Since Jurg von Kanel first redpointed the wild 7m roof on “Haslizontal” directly above the Susten Pass Road in 1985, it became the test piece for the sport climbing scene of the time. After the fanfare quieted down, this bouldery route mostly stood dormant. The rarely clipped bolts rusted. Finally, 27 years later in 2012, the route was re-equipped anew and reborn. The crux is a single move at the roof’s edge. The hardcore youth back in the day would crank the roof with a vigorous dyno. Nowadays a heel hook is the way to do it, but the exact sequence is still somewhat of a puzzle for you to figure out! The “Hazlizontal” is ready for a revival. Get busy climbers and head on out to the Susten to crush this 7m roof!